Program Modification


The photography industry underwent a significant transition period beginning in the late 1990s. Digital photography revolutionized the way images were created, processed, and distributed. Both educators and photographers struggled to predict how best to respond to the rapid changes. 

The Algonquin College Photography program responded by making small solutions, course additions, and modifications, through the Annual Curriculum Review process. Beginning in 2017, faculty began discussing the need to reorganize the program rather than continue with ad hoc and 'band-aid' solutions.

Following a Program Quality Review (PQR) in 2021, I was tasked with following up on the recommendations. With the support of my colleagues, I presented a proposal for a full Program Modification. Initially, we felt that re-organizing and renaming all courses, removing three courses, and adding three would be sufficient. We were given the approval to proceed and the project began in January 2022. 

Working alongside a Curriculum Consultant, we rewrote the descriptions and learning requirements for every course in the program.

We looked critically at all existing courses to determine ways to remove pressure points, barriers, and stressors. We reviewed previous PQR and Program Advisory Council information for recommendations. In the end, we removed seven courses and added seven. This adjustment allowed the program hours to be more equally distributed across all levels. Previously level two had the highest course hours and predictably had a high rate of failure and attrition.

PRC Final___Photography___OCD___Title Modifier___PQR Implementation___JV___October 17, 2022.pdf


At several stages of the process, I made presentations about the project, these included:

This is a video of the presentation slides from the First Program Advisory Committee presentation (April 13, 2022). A similar slide presentation was adjusted to provide updates and an overview for each presentation given.

Program Name Qualifier

Halfway through the project, it became clear that not only did the program on paper not match what faculty were teaching and the industry was expecting, but the program name needed to capture the skills students were learning. We proposed adding the name qualifier Content Creation to the program, a suggestion that faculty had discussed for a few years.

To complete this additional program Vocational Learning Outcomes were required to differentiate the Algonquin College Photography program from other programs in Ontario. We proposed three new Vocational Learning Outcomes to validate the inclusion of video, pre-production, and client-focus aspects. Although the program taught these skills over the previous 15 years, the Province did not officially require or acknowledge them. 

The Program Name Qualifier and additional Vocational Learning Outcomes were approved by the Provincial governing bodies in April 2023, making the program at Algonquin the only Photography - Content Creation program in Ontario. 

Additional Improvements

Admissions Portfolio

The program's admission requirements added an entrance portfolio to align with other similar programs in the Province. Not intended as a barrier to entry, the portfolio presents an added step to ensure applicants are better informed about the program and what to expect. 

As a follow-up,  I am conducting a quantitative analysis to determine how an entry requirement impacts enrollment, student retention, and graduation rates.

Collaborative Teaching Opportunities

The program observed high failure rates and negative industry and student feedback in the program's Communications courses. Despite varying the delivery method and instructor, the problem persisted over several years. During the program modification, we proposed partnering a Communications Professor with a Photography Professor in the level two Professional Communications for Photography course to increase student engagement and provide industry-specific communication instruction from two subject matter experts. Implementation of this innovative and silo-removing strategy begins as a trial in the Winter 2024 semester, and I am excited to have been selected to participate.

Course Naming

To differentiate the focus of each course level and improve accessibility, we renamed all courses in the program. Previously, all course names utilized Roman numerals to indicate their level, creating issues for PDF readers. The renaming addresses this by using standard numbering.

Dual Credit

The program added a dual credit (high school and college) course. First trialed in Winter 2023, the program modification included a level one course designed to be adaptable to dual credit delivery beginning in Winter 2024.